‘There are no rules’: Adrian Joffe on Dover Street Market Paris and the future of retail

Luke Leitch interviews the master of counter-cultural retail on the eve of the DSM opening in Paris, while getting a sneak peek of the site.
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Photo: Luke Leitch, artwork by Vogue Business

This article is part of our new editorial package, The Future of Shopping, in which we predict how the retail landscape will be shaped over the next decade. Click here to read more.

“For us, the rule is that there are no rules. Our strategy is having no strategy.” So says Adrian Joffe as we tour the new, and not-quite-yet-finished, Dover Street Market Paris. Alongside us is Kate Coffey, who is director of the long-awaited, permanent Parisian outpost of Dover Street Market (DSM). When Joffe makes his declaration, she registers an expression of fleeting — yet unmistakable — surprise.