
Can ‘Made in Italy’ survive its scattered supply chains?

For centuries, Made in Italy has been heralded as the epitome of luxury fashion production. Now, its fragmented — and often opaque — supply chains are threatening its survival.
Image may contain Plant Vegetation Mountain Mountain Range Nature Outdoors Peak Landscape Land Tree and Woodland
The view from Biella, where Piacenza, Reda and Vimar1991 are based.Photo: Bella Webb

The coveted ‘Made in Italy’ label faces increasing scrutiny and existential challenges, from supply chain scrutiny and evolving EU regulations to climate change and threats to heritage craft. This article is part of a new series where we unpack what these pressures mean for the future, and sustainability, of luxury fashion. Read more here.

‘Made in Italy’ is one of fashion’s most prestigious labels, synonymous with quality, craftsmanship and tradition. But recent labour rights scandals have rocked this image to its core, exposing the opaque practices that underpin Italian supply chains — even in luxury.